Things to do in Kloten

Explore the forest on an elk, beaver, or even wolf safari.

In our wildlife-rich forests and waterways, you may have the chance to experience the wildlife up close. For those seeking more, we can also offer safari tours and experiences with the wild animals in our forests. These tours must be booked in advance! Give us a call, and we’ll provide more details!

We offer guided night paddling tours. You will paddle in canoes or kayaks on calm waters under the starry sky, make a stop on an island for a wilderness picnic, and listen to an experienced wildlife tracker who will share stories about the wild animals in the forest.


In the Malingsbo-Kloten nature conservation area there are a total of 140 km of hiking trails. On winding paths, past pristine waterways and with numerous barbecue areas, you will find rest for mind and body. Bring a picnic backpack and enjoy!

Mountain biking in Ramsberg

In Ramsberg, just a 25-minute drive from us, you can find some excellent mountain biking trails. There are three different trails of varying distances, as well as a skills course where you can practice various techniques that you might encounter on the trails.


Travel on Långvattnet (12.5 km) exploring small islands and beautiful quiet places on the way.

Rent a boat


Go out into the forest on a game safari

In our wildlife-rich forests and waterways, you may be lucky enough to experience wildlife up close.

For those who want to learn more and want a deeper experience of these wild animals in their natural environment, you can book a guided wildlife safari.




Relax and rent a sauna & hot tub by the lake.

Our hot tub with a wood-fired sauna is beautifully located by Lake Långvattnet. Here you can relax and unwind in the hot tub, sweat in the wood-fired sauna, and then cool off with a dip in the lake.

Koppla av och hyr bastu & badtunna vid sjön

Vår badtunna med vedeldad bastu är vackert belägen vid sjön Långvattnet. Här kan ni ta det lugnt och koppla av i badtunnan, svettas i den vedeldade bastun och sedan svalka er med ett dopp i sjön.

Adventure course

In collaboration with Klotenlägret, we can offer an exciting and adventurous activity that takes place both high and low. On the ground, the group will work on their teamwork as they solve tasks and navigate through various obstacles. In the air, you’ll encounter a high ropes course where you can test your self-confidence and balance.


I samarbete med Klotenlägret kan vi erbjuda en fartfylld och äventyrlig aktivitet, som sker både högt och lågt. På marken får gruppen träna sitt teamwork när ni ska lösa uppgifter och ta er igenom olika hinder. I luften möts ni av en höghöjdsbana där man får testa sin självtillit och balans.

Visit the wooden town of Nora

One hour by car from us, you’ll find the charming town of Nora, known for its wooden houses, cobblestone streets, and its famous Nora ice cream.

Besök trästaden Nora

En timme med bil från oss hittar ni den supermysiga staden Nora som är känt för sina trähus, kullerstensgator och sin berömda Nora glass.

Bada i turkost vatten i Uskavis kalkbrott

Endast 45 minuter från oss, precis på vägen till Nora, kan man stanna till vid Uskavis kalkbrott och bada i helt klart och turkost vatten i ett gammalt kalkbrott. En riktig badpärla undangömd mitt i Bergslagen!

Swim in turquoise waters at Uskavi's limestone quarry

Only 45 minutes from us, right on the way to Nora, you can stop at Uskavi’s limestone quarry and swim in crystal clear and turquoise water in an old quarry. A hidden gem in the heart of Bergslagen!

Visit Adventuremine - the world's most powerful sauna 80 meters underground!

Forget time and space for a moment when you come to Äventyrsgruvan Tuna-Hästberg to take part in Gruvfrun’s sauna ritual. Join us on a guided sauna experience with several dips in the mine’s crystal clear water, where Sauna by Elin, with its mystery and knowledge, will make you forget time and space for a while.
An epic contrast to life above ground. Your senses will travel from heat to cool, from soft to hard, male to female at the same time as the endorphins flow in your body. Feel the history and power of the mountain walls while wondering how you will ever be able to bathe in a normal sauna again!